
Collaborative Information Server

Collaborative Information Server (CI Server) conforms to your changing business environment to create new value

Yokogawa Collaborative Information Server (CI Server) allows immediate improvement to production efficiency through DX (digital transformation) and reduction of operational maintenance whilst building a digital transformation framework.

  • Collaborative Information Server

    Collaborative Information Server (CI Server) allows immediate improvement to production efficiency through DX (digital transformation) and reduction of operational maintenance whilst building a digital transformation framework.

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  • The Enterprise Pipeline Management Solution (EPMS)

    EPMS provides a collection of standard applications which can be seamlessly plugged into the CI Server Integrated Operation and Monitoring system platform similar to SCADA monitoring and control applications to facilitate the management and operations of gas/liquids pipeline systems.

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    Originating as the Flexible Advanced System Techniques (FAST) project, FAST/TOOLS today is a comprehensive, fully-integrated SCADA application suite. Powerful and flexible, FAST/TOOLS serves installations ranging from 50-point unit processes to multimillion-point offshore production and pipeline systems that extend over thousands of miles.

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  • EPMS - The Enterprise Pipeline Management Solution (1.1 MB)

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