

Our website uses data obtained from cookies for the purposes of data collection (website traffic information etc.) using Google Analytics standard features and advertisement using Google Analytics Advertising Features. These data are managed under the following Google Policy. We combine Google advertising third-party cookie and Google Analytics first-party cookie to use them for advertising on websites. You can use the following Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on to nullify Google Analytics so that our data collection using Google Analytics can be ceased.

  • Google Analytics Advertising Features we implemented:
    Remarketing with Google Analytics
    Google Display Network Impression Reporting
    Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting
    Integrated services that require Google Analytics to collect data for advertising purposes, including the collection of data via advertising cookies and identifiers
  • Google Policy:
  • Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on:

Please be aware that Google Analytics is disabled on Yokogawa's European websites.

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