
Film/Sheet Thickness Gauge

A film/sheet thickness gauge is used in the final stage of the film making process to accurately perform online measurement of film and sheet thickness. The resulting profiles can be used to precisely control thickness, significantly improving product quality and using materials more efficiently. The film/sheet thickness gauge is available for a wide variety of applications such as single-layered films, multi-layered films, coating layers, battery electrodes, and ceramic capacitors.

  • Online Thickness Gauge for Battery Electrode Sheets WEBFREX3ES

    Along with the widespread interest in renewable energy and initiatives aimed at realizing a decarbonized society, electrification of automobiles such as EVs and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) are now attracting attention. One key technology for these initiatives is rechargeable batteries, in particular, lithium-ion batteries.

    Here, we introduce Yokogawa’s solution at the coating process and WEBFREX3ES, an online thickness gauge for battery electrode sheets. Learn more about other battery solutions here.

    Továbbiak megtekintése


  • Online Thickness Gauge (4.3 MB)


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