
Gecombineerde cyclus

The combined cycle power plant is being installed in increasing numbers around the world where there are substantial supplies of natural gas. Yokogawa’s power experts deliver total instrumentation and control solutions.

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Customer Challenge

Improving power plant efficiency


Yokogawa helps power plants operate more efficiently by improving the control of fuel, steam, and feed water.

Enabling Technologies

CENTUM VP Integrated Production Control System

The CENTUM VP integrated control system secures interruption-free “uptime only” plant performance for optimal productivity and profitability in the renewable energy field.


The DPharp series of digital pressure transmitters use a differential pressure high accuracy resonance pressure (DPharp) sensor that represents one of the most revolutionary advances in transmitter technology.

Zirconia Oxygen Analyzers

Yokogawa’s zirconia oxygen analyzers are used for combustion monitoring and control applications and are relied on by a wide range of industries to optimize combustion and reduce NOX emissions.

Plant Service (FS)

Commissioning, Operator Training, Operation, Maintenance, and Simulation Services

Customer Challenge

Safely and efficiently starting up boilers, a complicated process that requires considerable skill


Yokogawa systems make startups safer and more efficient by automating processes such as heating with fuel oil and switching over to biomass fuel. Graphic displays give operators a real-time window into the status of each process.

Enabling Technologies

CENTUM VP Integrated Production Control System

The CENTUM VP integrated control system secures interruption-free “uptime only” plant performance for optimal productivity and profitability in the renewable energy field.

Exapilot Operation Efficiency Improvement Package

Exapilot is an online navigation tool that guides operators step by step through plant operating procedures. Exapilot automates standard operating procedures (SOPs) and provides early detection of process and device abnormalities.


High Fidelity, Full-replica Training Simulators

Customer Challenge

Improving combustion efficiency and reducing/eliminating harmful stack emissions


Yokogawa oxygen analyzers measure the oxygen (O2) concentration in flue gas. With this information, the air-fuel ratio can be adjusted to optimize combustion. Likewise, our stack gas analyzers can be used to reduce harmful emissions by measuring the concentrations of nitrogen oxide (NOX) and sulfur oxide (SOX) in stack gas.

Enabling Technologies

ZR Series Zirconia Oxygen Analyzers

Yokogawa’s zirconia oxygen analyzers are used for combustion monitoring and control applications and are relied on by a wide range of industries to optimize combustion and reduce NOX emissions.

SG750 Stack Gas Analyzer

The SG750 stack gas analyzer consists of an infrared gas analyzer unit, a zirconia oxygen analyzer unit, and a sampling unit, and can simultaneously measure up to five components: NOX, SO2, CO2, CO, and O2.

Customer Challenge

Reducing the emission of CO, NOX, dioxins, and other substances into the atmosphere by burning off residual gas components in the stack gas


Yokogawa gas analyzers measure the oxygen concentration in the stack gas so that adjustments can be made in the O2 supply that will improve combustion efficiency and burn off more residual gas components.

Enabling Technologies

CENTUM VP Integrated Production Control System

The CENTUM VP integrated control system secures interruption-free “uptime only” plant performance for optimal productivity and profitability in the renewable energy field.


The FAST/TOOLS package optimizes performance for renewable energy applications. It ensures high availability and performance and supports online configuration.

ZR Series Zirconia Oxygen Analyzers

Yokogawa’s zirconia oxygen analyzers are used for combustion monitoring and control applications and are relied on by a wide range of industries to optimize combustion and reduce NOX emissions.

TDLS200 Laser Gas Analyzer

The TruePeak TDLS gas analyzer relies on a proprietary peak area integration method and is ideal for in-situ analysis in harsh process environments. It significantly improves the efficiency of boiler operations.

SG750 Stack Gas Analyzer

The SG750 stack gas analyzer consists of an infrared gas analyzer unit, a zirconia oxygen analyzer unit, and a sampling unit, and can simultaneously measure up to five components: NOX, SO2, CO2, CO, and O2.

Customer Challenge

Minimizing the difference between the planned load and the actual amount of waste loaded into an incinerator. The actual amount depends on the waste type and condition.


The human interface station (HIS) for the Yokogawa CENTUM distributed control system (DCS) displays a trend graph in which curves are plotted indicating the planned and actual (cumulative weight) incinerator load. If there is any divergence from the planned load, the operator can adjust the stoker speed accordingly.

Enabling Technologies

CENTUM VP Integrated Production Control System

The CENTUM VP integrated control system secures interruption-free “uptime only” plant performance for optimal productivity and profitability in the renewable energy field.


The FAST/TOOLS package optimizes performance for renewable energy applications. It ensures high availability and performance and supports online configuration.

Customer Challenge

Prevent fire accident in coal yard, transmission, and any other facilities.


Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS) provided by Yokogawa contributes fire detection, Leak/Plugging Detection, Hot (Cold) Spot Monitoring, and Facilities Preventive Maintenance.

Enabling Technologies

Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS)

Yokogawa DTSX200 makes possible gapless LNG leak detection Monitoring.


Combined Cycle Power Generation Process

Combined cycle power generation requires the following control and optimization.
Unit control: boiler/ burner management/ turbine/ balance of plant/ flue gas desulfurization/ emergency shutdown
Plant optimization: plant information management/ operation efficiency improvement support/ alarm management

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Sandi Electricity Company selected Yokogawa to replace Foxboro IA Series at its power plant.
Yokogawa carefully extracted the configuration of old systems and successfully replaced with CENTUM VP and ProSafe-RS.

  • Easy set point definition for all plant power generation operations
  • Stable electric power generation
  • Power plant optimization
  • Control of electric power generation based on net performance
  • Fully automated power plant supplies steady flow of electricity to national grid
  • The CENTUM CS 3000 plays a core role by controlling and enabling the monitoring of all processes at the EGCO Cogen plant
  • CENTUM CS3000 seamlessly integrates with multivendor control systems through OPC interface.
  • Challenging predictive maintenance to monitor many transmitter data through PRM.
  • The visualization of data using the Exaquantum PIMS plays an important role in efforts to improve operations at this power station.
  • To reduce operator workload and eliminate unplanned shutdowns, HERA decided on the use of field digital technology at this power station.


Seawater leak detection is the post-condensation water quality management processes. Damage to the ion exchange resin, which deionizes the supplied water, is also monitored during this process, and both of these applications are executed by a conductivity analyzer. (AN10D01P01-01E)

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