
Privacy Policy

Last update: April 06, 2018

Global Privacy Policy

澳门捕鱼赚钱游戏 and its controlled subsidiaries and affiliates (“Yokogawa”), consider your privacy important. Thus, we will treat and secure your personal information with care and appropriate technology, and in compliance with applicable laws on data privacy protection and data security. To protect the security and privacy of personal information, Yokogawa adopts internal rules to bind our employees and executives.

Yokogawa may share your personal information within its group to create, develop, operate, deliver, and improve our products, services and to communicate with you. Yokogawa may share your personal information to our entrusted partners who provide services such as information processing, providing our products and services. Our entrusted partners are obligated to protect your personal information. Yokogawa may transfer your personal information outside of your region / country of origin when processing data. However, without your consent or any legal basis, Yokogawa will not disclose it to any third parties.

For more details, queries and inquires by region/country, please refer to our privacy policy of the respective website.


We may update our Global & Regional Privacy Policy from time to time. You will find the date of the last update on the top of each page.


For any inquiries about your personal information, please Contact Us.

2- 9-32, Nakacho 2-chome, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8750, Japan

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