
Portable Data Acquisition

Portable data acquisition systems are fully integrated, data acquisition and display stations with secure, built-in data storage and network connectivity. Portable versions are available for industrial and laboratory applications.

  • Touch Screen GP10/GP20

    The SMARTDAC+TM GP10/GP20 is a portable paperless recorder with a modular architecture on the back panel and has a data logging function to acquire the required data. By supporting not only I/O but also many communication protocols, you can connect to various devices. GP utilizes AI. Supporting FDA 21 CFR Part11 and AMS2750E/NADCAP.

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The Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) is a set of standards and requirements that regulate aspects of dairy plants producing Grade “A” products. It is the “dairy bible” that dairy producers, manufacturers, and balancing plants must follow to verify food safety. Discover how Yokogawa recorders (PMO compliant) are helping Michigan milk producers.



  • SMARTDAC+ Data Logging Software GA10 (4.5 MB)
  • SMARTDAC+ Data Acquisition & Control Paperless Recorder GX/GP (9.8 MB)

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